The end of July carries massive energies, as an exceptional cosmic event is driving humankind to its record awakening and utmost expansion. Not since, 156 BC have these powerful energies merged in Taurus creating a super electric motivating force.
Read MoreEnthusiasm will ignite our thinking and help us branch out, meet new people and start new projects. When the Sun begins its cycle through Gemini on May 21, we say goodbye to Taurus season and welcome in mental curiosity, engaging social times and refreshing introductions.
Read MoreThe Sun arrives in the pioneering sign of Aries March 20, welcoming in the New Astrological Year. In astrology, the Sun moves into Aries at the same time as the Equinox. As Aries is considered the first sign of the zodiac, this move is also considered the start of the astrological year.
Read MoreThe energy shifts from the well-directed force of Mars to the beauty and feminine spirit of Venus. The enchanted Goddess will be taking the lead for the next few weeks encouraging the nurturing and tender support of other women.
Read MoreChange is certainly happening very quickly and this is going to be ongoing as the global awakening continues into 2022 we are required to adapt to the changing circumstances.
Read MorePrevailing shifts continue to occur around the world as renowned heavyweight planets Pluto and Saturn begin to alter gears gradually propelling the collective forward on an evolutionary journey bound with far-reaching changes.
Read MoreAs we wipe the slates clean we can now commence anew, walking the path of service, combined with emotional intelligence and sensible action. Any seeds we plant now are for our highest good and for the good of others. Whatever is no longer serving us can now be disconnected and replaced with more of a sacred task to generate balance for our mind body and souls ultimate wellbeing.
Read MoreCourage and righteousness are crucial as this month’s celestial powers are about to stir things up arousing colossal world-wide awakenings. The Leo season awakens an assembly of leaders and a growling from within the hearts of many.
Read MoreJune has been an unstable and hectic month emotionally and physically taxing us, as the eclipse season has been preparing us for much crucial change and improvement. Now as more planets begin to slow down and station retrograde we will once again be learning to relax, recover, readjust and reduce our energies down.
Read MoreThis month the interstellar powers serve a mind altering punch as we now enter the planetary retrograde cycle and are about to arrive in eclipse season beginning May 26, which will generate significant turning points and critical impacts.
Read MoreHappy Autumn Equinox and the launch of a brand new Astrological year.
It’s all happening this month as the cosmic forces rouse the fires within to initiate significant shifts and kick start colourful new journey’s.
Read MoreNothing seems quite the same as we travel away from the recent New Moon in Aquarius and an extremely rare line up of planets in Aquarius that have helped to signify new ways for society to implement change.
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