The end of July carries massive energies, as an exceptional cosmic event is driving humankind to its record awakening and utmost expansion. Not since, 156 BC have these powerful energies merged in Taurus creating a super electric motivating force.
Read MoreThe shortest day of the year the Winter Solstice and the beginning of the Cancer season tenderly urges us to retreat to our homes and take that much needed time out from last month’s busy period.
Read MoreEnthusiasm will ignite our thinking and help us branch out, meet new people and start new projects. When the Sun begins its cycle through Gemini on May 21, we say goodbye to Taurus season and welcome in mental curiosity, engaging social times and refreshing introductions.
Read MoreThe Sun leaves action-packed Aries into the grounded, slower-paced sign of Taurus. With the Sun in sensual Taurus and Mercury also in Taurus until April 30, getting in touch with mother nature, our deeper senses, and the devotion to stick to our realistic aspirations will produce a wealth of abundance.
Read MoreThe Sun arrives in the pioneering sign of Aries March 20, welcoming in the New Astrological Year. In astrology, the Sun moves into Aries at the same time as the Equinox. As Aries is considered the first sign of the zodiac, this move is also considered the start of the astrological year.
Read MoreThe energy shifts from the well-directed force of Mars to the beauty and feminine spirit of Venus. The enchanted Goddess will be taking the lead for the next few weeks encouraging the nurturing and tender support of other women.
Read More2022 is the year of the Spiritual Warrior. Are you prepared for 2022? Ready or not, things are about to intensify and the pressure is increasing. This is the time to develop discipline, patience, and compassion as the energy builds to boiling temperatures.
Read MoreChange is certainly happening very quickly and this is going to be ongoing as the global awakening continues into 2022 we are required to adapt to the changing circumstances.
Read MoreLast week’s Lunar Eclipse had the power to redirect our course arousing major shifts that are bringing us closer to our ultimate calling. Get ready! Because the universe is about to tell you just where you’re meant to be!
Read MoreHumanity is coming to a new realisation. We are being pushed, as a collective to our limits, to be forced to define new boundaries about what we will and will not stand for. We are having to step up, participate and contribute. The grand awakening is unfolding, so now is the time to gather and build forces, direct a plan and launch new enterprises.
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