Monthly Spiritual Guidance

Jodie Bergeron Soul Guidance

 Your exclusive cosmic news direct from source

Personalised monthly energy reports. planetary tip-offs.

soul inspired support.Holsitic wellness

Are you looking for your very own cosmic reporter?

“That’s right, every month you will receive your very own interstellar news bringing you those inspirational tips, spiritual guidance and astrology energy forecasts”

Get the heads up every month or as one off spiritual guidance, a complete overview of the month’ s energies.

These detailed energy forecasts and spiritual guidance sessions prepare you take advantage of the opportunities headed your way.

Your very own galactic road map to navigate the month ahead.

Moon Manifesting

How the New Moon and Full Moons will influence you each cycle

Personailsed energy reports

Important planetary tips offs

Channelled messages from Spirit

Sharing soulful intuitive wisdom

Soul Coaching

Helping you to listen and follow your intuition

Astrology Forecasts

Personalised energy reports

Mercury Retrograde alerts

How to be ready for each retrograde

So you may be wondering why you need monthly spiritual guidance from celestial reporter Jodie?

Well the choice is yours, you can choose to book a session when your feeling curious, sense the need, an inner urge for soul counselling, to expand knowledge emotionally and spiritually or when feeling stuck, unsure of your life direction, stressed or undergoing those important life changes.

“Allow me as Your very own cosmic correspondent to deliver those vital messages directly from the cosmos”.

So what do you receive at each individual monthly session?

Major planetary indications-imparting clues and suggestions so you can be fully prepared

Personalised energy report- giving you those powerful planetary tip offs

Moon alerts-New and Full Moons- how they will personally influence you through each cycle

Mercury Retrogrades- no need to lose your cool vital hints to help steer you through each retrograde

Oracle reading - (Not so much for prediction but for getting you in touch with your spirit team and your own heart and intuition).

Channelled message from Spirit- in the form of spiritual direction

Soul coaching-reconnecting you with your inner guide, purpose and insight

Life direction-valuable planetary pointers helping you navigate through any difficult life transitions

Inspiration tips- to follow a dream, or goal

Holistic wellbeing suggestions- help in raising your frequency and for ultimate in mind, body and soul wellness

Cosmic Energy Reporter

Energy forecast reports and spiritual guidance sessions prepare you take advantage of the opportunities headed your way.

So get the heads up today and book your very own cosmic energy forecast for the month ahead

Personalised monthly energy reports, galactic tip-offs and soul informed guidance in person or from the comfort of your home.

Please note each session can bring up different themes so not every session is the same.

An Individual ONE-OFF energy report

1 hour-$159

You can choose to book a one off monthly session or

save money by purchasing in advance

For those continued personalised monthly energy tipoffs and soul mentoring

3 Month sessions $457

Or wanting continued emotional support with that extra juicy gossip from the intergalactic invisible world tailored just for you?

then the 6 month personalised spiritual guidance is absolutely perfect

6 month sessions $895

that’s right! be quick as bookings are selling out fast

So what are you waiting for!

Dive deep, explore the unknown, and receive those vital celestial 2025 messages direct from me, your cosmic reporter.

Guaranteed to guide you through each and every month.

sharing cosmic news, energy reports and spiritual guidance.

Book your Spiritual Guidance today!