Monthly Astrology Forecast June-July 2021
Hello dear readers,
June has been an unstable and hectic month emotionally and physically taxing us, as the eclipse season has been preparing us for much crucial change and improvement.
Now as more planets begin to slow down and station retrograde we will once again be learning to relax, recover, readjust and reduce our energies down to a slower speed to reassess our options, to go within for the answers and to heal our past.
What’s in The Stars this Month
The central news for this month has been the Saturn square to Uranus transit June 15, which was the second time this year this astrological event has occurred, this major square generated more of that push-pull feeling and again we were asked to look for the balance. More global concerns are highlighted with further powerful reactions with regards to the current issues around our personal freedom, the authorities and the continuing restrictions. The Winter Solstice this month and a Full Moon in Capricorn encourages a grounding of these intense energies and gets us to settle in, make wise assessments and take responsibility for our future prospects thinking of the long term consequences.
Arriving now to the most spiritually meaningful time of the year, the Winter Solstice, heralds a celebration of endings and magical new beginnings. A favourable time to partake in those wintry festivities, therefore cook that hearty feast, gather your family and friends around the warmth of the fire, enjoy wholesome food and share in moments of gratitude.
The Winter Solstice is an occasion to reserve your energy, time to pause, reflect, and go within. As the winter rains cleanse the earth we are invited to wind down, ground and plan our next moves.
The shortest day of the year the Winter Solstice and the beginning of the Cancer season gently urges us to retreat to our homes and take that much needed time out from last month’s busy period. The watery protective sign of Cancer is when the cold settles in and we are more appreciative of Mother Nature and her healing, nurturing and tender love and care. The Sun in Cancer will be nursing us and our loved ones back to health during this sensitive stage treating our wounds and mending our worries and burdens.
Furthermore, Mercury goes direct on June 23 slowly but surely helping us to regain some clarity and return our projects and intellectual pursuits into further growth.
Then just after the Full Moon in Capricorn June 25, Neptune stations retrograde June 26.
Mysterious Neptune ruler of spirituality, illusion and fantasy begins its yearly retrograde motion alerting a desperate need for inner care and attention counselling humans again, to go within, and seek insight from their soul. Neptune in Pisces sends necessary information through the unseen forces, so our intuition and imagination will be lighting the way. The planet Neptune reveals where we have access to our soul’s full capacity and how to ‘tune out, and ‘tune in’, in nourishing ways. Neptune gifts us with the Art of channelling, the power to foresee and predict flowing us with sensitivity, compassion, empathy, intuition and inspiration. Neptune will be retrograde in Pisces until December 1 and wishes us to create stronger boundaries as things may be confusing and a little unclear. This emotionally soothing period of contemplation is about reuniting with your spirit and rediscovering your heartfelt longings. A phase of soul retrieval, awakenings, spiritual enlightenment and creative work. Advancing your psychic skills and seeking alternative treatments can be helpful along with music, Art, water and dreams.
Entering into Leo June 27 Venus announces her arrival with dramatic flair and attention providing the passion and creative inspiration for expressing ourselves and summoning our confidence to take centre stage. Time to dress up, showcase your talents and feel truly beautiful as you are.
Once again, Chiron begins its annual retrograde motion in Aries July 16 and as Chiron is known to be the great healer and wise teacher its energy will inflame an examination of our deeply felt wounds, initiating healing for any wholeness to occur. Any matters in our lives that still require healing whether physically and or emotionally should be patiently worked through. Chiron in Aries rules over our self-preservation and the courage to honour our own authenticity, we may feel afraid to speak our truth, fear our own rage, and unable to express our real genuine selves even sparking a personal identity crisis. Our well-being is crucial at this time as this is a period of great innermost discovery. Whilst exploring the depths of our sorrow we can begin the passage of internal development bringing self-acceptance and inner understanding thus transcending that suffering into wisdom and then guiding the light for others.
Sun in Cancer June 21 (Winter Solstice)
Mercury Direct June 23
Full Moon in Capricorn June 25
Neptune retrograde June 26
Venus in Leo June 27
New Moon in Cancer July 10
Mercury in Cancer July 12
Chiron retrograde July 16
Cancer Horoscope Forecast 2021
Happy Birthday Cancer
Cherished Cancers you have been going through major transformations in your relationships since the arrival of Pluto in your house of partnerships bringing about passionate periods of death and rebirth. Enforcing deep inner cleansing and lessons in facing your fears of intimacy and trust. Cosmic powers are continuing to instigate those intimate changes in the coming months so where do you want to be free? What is restricting you? Are you holding yourself back from new experiences? Can I change my circumstances? Is this relationship good for me? These may be the important questions for Cancers in the year 2021 and the past may hold the answers. Mars in your 11th house may encourage you to connect with more interesting networks, to lead the crowd and motivate you to reach out to stimulating friendships and enjoyable groups. The eclipses mid-year will ask you to invest time in your health spiritually and physically. By the end of the year your vitality is increased leading to better community developments and enhanced self-improvement.
For your yearly in depth 2021-2022 personalised reading book an appointment today.
Full Moon in
Capricorn June 25
Known as the “Strawberry Moon” this Full Moon will cast a spotlight on our need for stability, and between work and family life. The Sun in Cancer will cause us to consider home and refuge, our feelings, and our needs and question whether they are being met. Hard-working Capricorn will highlight our responsibilities and our sense of duty. A balancing act is required urging us to consider loved ones, work, relationships and career. Compassion and intuition will be our guiding light along with perception and maturity. This influential Full Moon can remind us of the value of hard work and commitments, safety, and our judgment. This harmonious and thankful moon energy will be sextile with Jupiter enhancing feelings of optimism and generosity encouraging solid development and long term achievement. A productive Full Moon fostering our desire for learning and new encounters. Are you unhappy with your work? Are your efforts being rewarded? Are you doing what you love? If not, then now is the time to act, as future success is possible during this focused Capricorn Full Moon particularly if you have the belief and dedication to see it to completion.
Tips for Full Moon in Capricorn
Ground in Nature
Plant new seeds
Is your work satisfying?
Are you happy with your life direction?
Affirmations to assist with Full Moon in Capricorn
I am ready to achieve my dreams
Patience and dedication will bring me future rewards
I will never give up on myself
New Moon in
Cancer July 10
This Balsamic Dark Moon may well end a chapter to the past, demanding transformations and new starts. We are searching for something deeper and more unexplained. Our emotional security is now centred on home and family and could conjure up deep emotional states and extreme reactions as this delicate Cancer Moon is in opposition to planet Pluto in the commanding sign of Capricorn, provoking necessary adjustments and innermost change. Issues of trust and influence can perhaps be at the core of any disputes. We might seek out wisdom through the means of psychology, the occult, past lives, and secretive movements, the probing of hidden subjects could seem alluring. We may happen to be more reclusive and moody wanting to stay in, supported by, our creature comforts. In addition, the New Moon in Cancer engages with imaginative Neptune so its momentum can inspire the inner artist within us prompting a desire to create your masterpiece, whether through Art, cooking and or gardening, the ideal atmosphere for releasing any intense emotions. Meditation and moments of quiet reflection can feel dreamy and help us escape the mundane along with spending time with friends and family reminiscing about the past and offering reassurance and contentment.
Tips for New Moon in Cancer
Begin a new home project and or artist endeavour
Tend to your inner needs and feed your Soul
Make time for family and friends
Allow your feelings to flow
Affirmations to assist with New Moon in Cancer
I am safe and secure. I have all I ever need.
I am love. I am loved. I am love.
Giving to others give me joy and abundance.
Intuitive Messages for the Month
“We're all just walking each other home”.
Ram Dass
Key to Spiritual Health and Wellness
Bronchial tubes. Respiratory system. Thymus. The mind and the nervous system. Stomach, lymphatic system and oesophagus. The Breasts. Female reproductive organs. The womb. Watch the stomach for ulcers, indigestion and cramps. Calm the nerves with tea and rest.
Fruit and vegetables with high water content. Rockmelon, watermelon, pumpkin, zucchini, lettuce and cucumber. Aloe Vera. Moonwort. Coconut milk. Lactose free milk and cheese. Hot water bottle. Perform a moon ritual. Join a women’s circle. Meditate with women. Picnic by a lake. Enjoy family gatherings, barbeques and hosting from home. An ideal time to buy or save an animal. Listen to old music. Stroll through op shops and buy vintage wear. Fishing and swimming. Spend time with babies. Cooking and painting.
Wisdom from the Cards
The Devil
Saturn and Capricorn
Learning to face our fears. Temptation. Bound to a situation. Discontent and depression. Obsession and over-work. Sickness. Addictions. Tyranny, lust and jealousy. Greed and materialism. Commitment to a long term goal or relationship. Unbreakable bonds, marriage.
Ace of Cups
Related to Cancer
Happiness, love and harmony. Intimacy and bonding. Openness of feelings. Spiritual growth and enlightenment. The start of new love. Artistic and creative beginnings. A birth.
Crystals for Healing
A wonderful stone for uplifting and cleansing your spirit, guiding you to higher levels of Consciousness. A piece of Selenite crystal will effectively charge your other crystals and is especially useful in healing and meditation practices. This impressive white stone aids in relieving stress and anxiety and assists in the purification, and the clearing of stale lower vibrational energy. Using this stone will help you connect with your Spirit Guides and your psychic abilities.
Having a deep connection with the moon this crystal is comforting for female cycles and the balancing of hormones. A feminine receptive crystal Moonstone is also known for its healing properties with regards to pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Moonstone is also beneficial for emotional healing and the releasing of negative energies from your Chakras.
Enjoy moments of deep relaxation, within your haven during this protective and nurturing month.
Warmest wishes
Jodie xx