How To Restore Your Energy Naturally

Our daily lives are becoming busier and busier and many people are regularly
finding themselves feeling tired, drained and burnt out. In our day to day world we tend to focus our
attention on our physical and or emotional health but most of us forget our
most vital and essential health comes from our Soul’s energetic being.

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December 2019 - January 2020 Astrology News

2020 brings the arrival of Jupiter in Capricorn bringing us prosperity, status and material gain to our well-deserved efforts. Projects and goals started and slowly maintained with patience are finally receiving acclaim, financial success and achievement. Promotions, work offers or business success is likely. Continue with your perseverance, patience and confidence as the next 12 months will continue to bring you the fruits of your labour.

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Making the most of the Moon and her Healing Power

The moon rules our daily habits and shows you where you need feeding and nourishing for your Soul; it describes how your Soul is fed, and what brings your Soul the ultimate emotional well-being. The sun and moon are representations of your conscious and unconscious mind. Effecting the tides, she is connected to your feelings, your mother, home and security.

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The Houses in Astrology- The Realm for our Soul Expression

There are 12 houses in Astrology, each house representing a gateway of human life. Whereas the Planets represent our motivation and the signs show us how we will direct and or use that motivation, the houses show us WHERE that motivation will be manifested. By learning to dive deeper into your chart through the use of the houses you get a bigger picture of ‘where’ your Soul will develop and express its purpose.

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