The Houses in Astrology- The Realm for our Soul Expression
There are 12 houses in Astrology, each house representing a gateway of human life.
Whereas the Planets represent our motivation and the signs show us how we will direct and or use that motivation, the houses show us WHERE that motivation will be manifested. By learning to dive deeper into your chart through the use of the houses you get a bigger picture of ‘where’ your Soul will develop and express its purpose.
The houses are your cosmic clock each house divided into 12 wedges with each wedge having a different sign. Beginning with your first house the cosmic clock moves anticlockwise around the wheel. At the time of your birth the planets were in specific signs and houses so planets in these houses will impact and influence your life. When the planets come to visit your houses, they will bring focus into that part of your life.
The real power of your astrology chart comes through your Rising Sign or Ascendant. Beginning with your Rising Sign we can look at your Soul’s purpose and the path of your future, we will look at the qualities of the sign as an indicator of new qualities that need to be developed in the lifetime and it is through the Ascendant that you take shape and form on all levels.
The elements of the Ascendant sign describe the future path of the Soul, what we are growing towards, or new abilities that we are developing.
In traditional astrology the Ascendant represents the birth point, the Souls entry into the physical world, our persona and appearance. On a deeper level your Rising Sign is the key indicator of your Souls mission and how you project and express your Souls intent.
The 12 houses of Astrology
1st house - the Ascendant, the aura, Soul purpose, the moment of birth, individuality, the personality (ego), self-image, body, the self, appearance and fresh beginnings. (Ruler Aries)
2nd house - values, self-love, talents, possessions, money and personal resources, use of life energies, income and physical environment. (Ruler Taurus)
3rd house - mental energy, communications, early schooling, personal ideas and there ways of expression and the ‘senses’. Short journeys, siblings, neighbours, community and local travel. (Ruler Gemini)
4th house - family, roots, ancestors, psychological foundations, parents and the foundation of the Soul. Mothers, nurturing and bonding. (Ruler Cancer)
5th house - children, romance, creativity, recreation, expression of spiritual will, actualization of the higher self. Fun, play and self-expression. (Ruler Leo)
6th house - service through healing and nurturing, jobs, health, daily routine, pets, diet and exercise. (Ruler Virgo)
7th house - the relationship of the Soul and personality, partners, spouse, open enemies, marriage and business relationships. (Ruler Libra)
8th house -transformation, death, rebirth, sex, other people’s resources and the path of Soul awakening. (Ruler Scorpio)
9th house - knowledge of cosmic law and ancient wisdom, higher learning, long distant travel, philosophy and religion. Expansion, optimism and foreign cultures. (Ruler Sagittarius)
10th house - Midheaven, spiritual responsibility, career, public image and social contribution. Fatherhood, tradition and discipline. (Ruler Capricorn)
11th house - spiritual goals and visions, spiritual associations, aspirations, friendships, ideals, internet, humanitarian causes and teams. (Ruler Aquarius)
12th house - unredeemed past karma, bondage to personality, selfless service to humanity, hidden resources, secret enemies, institutions, faith, and escapism. The Arts, jails, hospitals, imagination, and the subconscious. (Ruler is Pisces)