Monthly Astrology Forecast November-December 2020


Our Sacred Heart is Calling

As the fog begins to clear so does our faith in the blessings of the universe as planet Neptune slows down to station direct Nov 29, and as the ruling planet of Pisces, Neptune teaches humanity about the value of compassion, empathy, faith and our connection to the Divine. Whilst Neptune was retrograde in the sign of Pisces we were given an opportunity to heal our Soul and to reconnect with our inner selves to discover what our purpose is and how best to serve. Whatever we have learned from spending time in deep inner reflection can now be shared with others. In this period of reflection Neptune has helped to serve humanity in our spiritual awakening, in raising our frequency, reconfirm our beliefs in the mystical and spiritual and rediscover the ultimate act of unconditional love. Now that we have united with our higher awareness we can now begin to open our Pineal Glands, dissolve our Egos and trust in our inner voice, envision our potential and our ability to be at one with the cosmic power of the universe. Now that Neptune turns direct in Pisces, this is the time to release your intuitive abilities whether they be in artistic fields or in spirituality.

The Healing is in Embracing the Wound

From December 16, Chiron finally turns direct finishing a much needed recovery cycle that has assisted in raising our voice even though we may have felt vulnerable, rejected and exposed the aches and twinges of pain have ultimately supported us with any healing required for our inner child. Chiron is teacher and healer and may have opened some past wounds but through the discomfort we can begin to start the rebuilding process. Learning to embrace and love ourselves, the good and the bad, to accept our deeper rawness, regain our strength and power, to create our own happiness and not be distracted by the opinions or perceptions of others that sway us away from our direction and higher purpose. Turn over the page, begin again, you are not what others have told you, the conditioning of the past can now be released and by recreating yourself in your own image, allowing others to be themselves whilst remaining authentic and true to your ultimate calling is the key to Chiron in Aries. Do not lose confidence in your uniqueness, be different, be original, be bold and learn to be ok with that. Fundamentally the path to our healing is in the loving connection to the heart of our inner wounds.

Saturn and Jupiter arrive in Aquarius

Dream big, manifest your desires and make your dreams a reality as life as we know it is officially changing

The time has finally arrived as the long awaited event of 2020 is here. The second largest planet in the solar system Saturn re-enters Aquarius Dec 17 followed closely behind with Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system also entering Aquarius Dec 19. This highly monumental change brings major shifts and a restructuring providing much needed growth and regeneration to the evolution of humanity. The opening of the portal is upon us as this profound year brings an end to a 200 year Earth element cycle and the beginning of an Air element one.

Both Saturn and Jupiter will form together what is called “The Great Conjunction” on Dec 21 heralding a huge evolutionary shift to humanity as we know it. These crucial conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter take position every 20 years and can be a time of great political, cultural, sociological and technological changes. This epic astrological news deserves its own post so keep your eyes peeled for next month’s Monthly Astro News.

Humanity moves into a new age as we prepare for a total restructuring and redeveloping away from the material and industrial to the conservational, scientific and alternative.

As Saturn shifts into Aquarius the question will be ‘how do we achieve a better and just future for society and the collective’?

Jupiter in Aquarius is going to bring an era of new inventions and reformation. A more humanitarian period comes with this transit and any issues with the collective as well as cooperating and expanding collectively with each other will be important. The esoteric and mystical studies become important and highly valued to people under this transit which could bring about higher awareness and vibrational forces to enhance and bring about much needed change.

The revolutionary spirit longs to take on greater force as Saturn in Aquarius could place more restrictions on society, our health and privacy. The alternative medicines and therapies of mind, body and soul connection will begin to expand and make advancements.

The activists could be the surprising new leaders for future advancement and provide the fairness and revolutionary ideas needed for progression. Jupiter in Aquarius will help us to advance and gain awareness in the spiritual, technological and help make amendments to our Law and governments. Jupiter will provide the mindfulness for further growth, the changes in how we live, work and inter-connect, bringing a need for alternative ways to assist society and the world in finding better ways of doing things for humanities further growth and progress.

Sun in Sagittarius

The Sun leaves behind the emotional sign of Scorpio, which might come as a relief to some of us and as the intensity of the previous month is left behind we can now allow for some fresh energy to emerge and the exploration of higher learning to motivate us. The Sun moves into happy-go lucky Sagittarius and like a new born we are free to run wild in the open air to experience our individuality and to grow through higher knowledge and wisdom.

As the seeker of truths we may be drawn to philosophy, teaching and or teachers, spiritual gurus, visionaries, anything that answers the question of what is the meaning of life?, to experience this, Sagittarians will enjoy travelling far and wide to get further understanding, either from other cultures, philosophies, tribes and or elders to experience first-hand other traditions, religions and will seek the advice of tribal elders, spiritual gurus, and even journey through vision quests.

Once they have ventured beyond, and acquired all the wisdom they make excellent trainers and philosophers themselves. An adventurer, a free- spirited wanderer, enthusiastic, and a courageous explorer, the sun in Sagittarius will ask you to push beyond your boundaries, to experience the different, take a risk and to broaden your horizons by experiencing a new you, to make your dreams a reality. To add another dose of liveliness to the mix we also have a New Moon in Sagittarius Dec 15 stimulating new beginnings in adventure, travel and personal development and with Venus in Sagittarius arriving Dec 16 our feminine and love connections will be also be seeking fun, lust for life and joy. An excellent time for camping under the stars, hiking, backpacking, and spending time in the open air, enjoying freedom and philosophical chats. We are wanting to share adventure with our partners and friends. If single you might find yourself attracted to foreigners and wanting to undertake exciting experiences. Learning from other cultures, widening your view of the world, seeking and expanding your minds and your higher consciousness will bring rewards. A great time for placing intensions around rethinking your beliefs and ideas, enrolling in some further study and or other forms of higher learning. The world is your oyster so have faith in these new creations.

Venus in Scorpio Nov 21

Neptune Direct Nov 29

Full Moon in Gemini Nov 30

Mercury in Sagittarius Dec 2

New Moon in Sagittarius Dec 15

Chiron Direct Dec 16

Venus in Sagittarius Dec 16

Saturn enters Aquarius Dec 17

Jupiter in Aquarius Dec 19

Sagittarius Horoscope Forecast 2020-2021

Happy Birthday Sagittarius

Dream Big Sagittarius as this New Year brings Fresh Opportunities and a New You

Stepping out of the norm is the key for Sagittarians in 2021 as changes in the way you relate within your community and the work arena will be your focus for this transformative year. New directions are needed and any limited ways of thinking must be reconsidered as you are opening your mind to fresh perspectives. Much learning is possible stimulating your beliefs. Sharing information and gaining new skills will provide much teachings and you will want to know how you can be of service? You may be required to step up and provide the leadership, determination and direction in the workforce. Reenergizing your health, diet and daily routine will provide new vitality, spurring physical strength and motivational wellness. Growth is possible through change, transformation and evolvement. Jupiter may also encourage a new move, restoration in your home or travel plans that inspire optimism, expansion and revitalization. For your yearly in-depth personalized 2021 reading please contact me today.

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini Nov 30

Destiny plays a cosmic part during the last of the eclipse seasons for 2020 bringing an ending or beginning in our partnerships. This karmic period is an impulsive and curious Full Moon and Gemini will encourage all forms of communicating so exchanging our thoughts and feelings will provide the security we seek. Our sense of personal freedom is important at this time as this Full Moon in Gemini opposes the Sagittarius Sun, balancing our need for contact with the need to be care-free will set the tone. Sagittarians can be brutally honest and Gemini loves to debate so the two energies could provide the friction to resolve any issues concerning stagnant energies but also important to be mindful of our quick tempers. Boredom in relationships could bring up issues, so allow for moments spent together either getting away to enjoy interaction or having the space to venture off to be active and to breathe fresh life into your relationships. Our minds could be working over-time thinking too much could bring nervousness and chatty, mentally stimulating conversations may feed breakdowns or breakthroughs. Networking and socializing will provide the opportunity for new discussions and developments to occur so be open to taking a risk, experimenting, spontaneity and adventure to spark new life into your relationships. Social exchanges and being open to change can hold the key to our good fortune during this Lunar Eclipse. Journaling our thoughts will provide the ideas needed for any further change. This occasion may finally bring to a close any written projects and or further learning, training and higher education.

New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Dec 15

New ways of relating and communicating may be prompted during this Total New Moon eclipse. Our faith and sense of hope will redirect us to new possibilities and adventures. This New Moon final eclipse of the year may help to open our minds, our perspectives, increase our knowledge and higher wisdom and our search for deeper meaning in our lives. Inspiring innovative ideas and new beginnings in learning and changes to our values and beliefs may be sparked by adventure, opening our minds to higher realms, making time for fun, exploration and travel. Take a risk, be bold, daring, optimistic and enthusiastic. Create your intentions and be open to learning new skills, exploring different places and other mind altering potentials. A new start will begin when letting go, surrendering and opening to different philosophies and beliefs, use the energy of this powerful New Moon in Sagittarius to spur wonderful promises and opportunities.

Intuitive Messages for the Month

Key to Spiritual Health and Wellness


The Lungs. Throat Chakra. Shoulders. Arms and hands. Nervousness. Liver, hips and thighs.


Writing and journaling. Exchanging of ideas and social contact. Cultural learning. Travel planning. Setting new goals in a form of study for learning. Fresh open air. Working with your Crown Chakra. Tantric Yoga and guided mediation.

Wisdom from the Cards


Patience. Compromise. Moderation in all things. Harmony and Balance. Connecting with your Higher Consciousness and raising vibrations.

8 Wands

Travel. Movement. Texting, emails and lots of activity. Communicating and news arriving. Growth and developments. Completion of goals. Inner spiritual communication.

Crystals for Healing


Howlite is a stone for easing excessive negative energy and anxiety. Ranging from white to grey this stone is associated with the Crown Chakra which vibrates white and assists people uniting with their higher selves. Absorbing negative energy and is an excellent calming stone.

Blue Topaz

As a stone for the Solar Plexus Chakra, it improves one’s own will. It helps with learning and the seeking of higher wisdom. Also assists with the Throat Chakra helping to communicate effectively and with truth.

Allow this month to spark new passion, adventure and fresh perspectives.

I look forward to guiding you

Love Jodie xx