Monthly Astrology Forecast December-January 2020-2021
A monumental shift is upon us
The Great Conjunction once in a life time event happens on December 22, 2020 (1.20 am, Perth local time) this rare, marvellous universal event is about to be revealed bringing a new era of collective energy and understanding.
What will that mean for us?
The planets Jupiter and Saturn aligning will be the ending to a 200 year Earth element cycle, which brought humanity capitalism, industrialism and the big corporations. As Saturn completes is voyage from Capricorn (Earth) to Aquarius (Air) the force is demanding we start to think not just for ourselves but for the entire group, opening our minds to new perspectives and use our intuition to find the truth.
This exceptional alignment of the planet of structure (Saturn) and the planet of finances (Jupiter) will be joining together for what is known as “The Great Conjunction” planting the seeds for a beginning that springs forth new energy, inventions, explorations and grand discoveries.
This Great Conjunction is occurring at 0 degrees Aquarius, which indicates an entirely new beginning, moving us from an Earth element to an Air element cycle. As a society, we will develop the chance to start again and rethink our attitudes towards freedom of choice, equality, and fairness. Humanitarianism will be our main concern and we may see more hardship, restrictions to our liberty, lockdowns, rushing science related issues and enforced vaccinations. Ethics of innovation, inventions and scientific discoveries, Wi-Fi tracking and surveillance. Limitations to air related travel, social distancing will continue and perhaps even increase with Jupiter and the coronavirus. We may feel stifled, confused and uncomfortable causing distrust within the establishments, laws and authorities.
With Jupiter conjunction Saturn there is plenty of doubt, fear and uncertainty as humanity is starved for safety and order. Saturn is the ruler of viruses, the economy, unemployment and hardship. The planet Jupiter requires autonomy and expansion, Saturn on the other hand constrains and restricts so we can definitely expect the tension to build in the year ahead. Feelings of trepidation and suffering may continue producing division and separation. Saturn the task master can make us feel very insecure and doubtful and with Saturn in Capricorn fear has been the ruler of the day, so now that we move into a more Aquarian age our courage and understanding will be required.
We as a society are being asked to do our own research to look at what may be hidden, to uncover the facts and then by sharing that knowledge collectively. Aquarius may be known for rebellion but in its lower vibration Aquarius can also symbolise peer pressure, conformity and the herd mentality with an inability to think for one’s self, spellbound by the masses and supressed by any thought or idea that dares to defy the mainstream narrative. Humanity is in a period of a great awakening and it is time to wake up and question what really is going on?
This portal or gateway of energy leaves behind an old way of doing things (Capricorn) leaving behind capitalism, materialism, greed and destruction. This karmic test of values has brought an evolutionary period of learning to a close, to which we can now expect to see humanity finally banning together (Aquarius) to make changes collectively to address world related issues and ask for more fairness and equality for all.
This outstanding beginning provides a new chapter for humanity to welcome the unknown, to be open to change and radically different viewpoints and cultural beliefs that improve society as we know it. Expect to see more advancements in space exploration, alien encounters, artificial intelligence, telepathy, and astrology and alternative therapies may be the new trends appearing in the future. Creating a new world will be paramount as the Age of Aquarius will destroy the status quo to begin again from a place of wholeness to allow for growth for our souls evolution, to provide relief from stereotypical behaviours and conditionings, new teachers, new relationships and new ways of learning will enforce humanities growth, helping us to raise our consciousness, expand and discover original thoughts and perspectives about ourselves and move humanity into an age of higher awareness and collective progression.
2021 A New Paradigm
Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius will continue to be the major players in the coming year, providing civilisation with the much needed karmic teachings for economic and political change during these challenging times.
The uncertainty continues as Saturn and Uranus square off from February 17 shaking up the world stage and our long standing beliefs and conditions, a feeling of permanence and stability may not be possible in 2021. Fighting for our freedom will still be the focus and the rights of the many. We are moving into a time of progression with revolutionary ideas, growing together whilst remaining free to be an individual is the only way we can break free from the past to welcome a new frontier.
2021 keys to surviving the new age
· Release limiting thoughts
· Leave behind past conditioning
· Connect with nature
· Accept others perspectives and allow for differences
· Remain authentic
· Patience and acceptance
· Non-judgment
· Compassion and empathy
· Open heart
· Experiment and discover your own truth
· Raise your vibration
Sun in Capricorn Dec 21 (Summer Solstice)
Mercury in Capricorn Dec 21
Jupiter conjunct Saturn Dec 22
Full Moon in Cancer Dec 30
Mars in Taurus Jan 7
Mercury in Aquarius Jan 8
Venus in Capricorn Jan 8
New Moon in Capricorn Jan 13
Uranus direct in Taurus Jan 14
Capricorn Horoscope Forecast 2021
Happy Birthday Capricorn
Transformation and change continue to forge you into 2021 as Pluto continues to remain your energetic backbone. Saturn finally releases you from any responsibilities creating more opportunities to make way for a life changing year. Your values will be in question and you will be looking at what really matters to you and why? Where have you been limiting yourself?
Now is the time to release anything holding you back, resurrect yourself and do something you really love.
Expanding your creativity and talents and being open to new possibilities are the keys to 2021. This year you may launch something new… For your yearly in-depth personalised 2021 reading please book an appointment today.
Full Moon in Cancer December 30
This hypersensitive Full Moon illuminates our home, feelings, family and domestic scene. Spending moments with family can provide the nurturance and recovery needed at this delicate time. Tradition and issues from the past, ask us whether we have learned from history, and if we have learned to let go of any resentment for profound compassion and healing. Motherhood and mothers will be our focus encouraging quality time with loved ones. Retreating through meditation, the ocean and finding solace in the comfort of your own abode will provide much soothing and security. Cancer being the ruler of the Moon represents our hidden emotions, desires, inner worries, fears and deep intuitive understanding. Self-care will be especially important during this Full Moon to feed your soul and nourish your spirit and by surrounding yourself with the people you love.
New Moon in Capricorn Jan 13
This New Moon in Capricorn is up against Pluto, the Sun and Saturn prompting an inner desire for transformation and change. Any repressed emotions can seem intense and difficult to control and secrets may be revealed. Our identity and sense of self may feel powerless and restrained urging subconscious feelings to bubble to the surface. Our individuality is in question and any fearful thoughts could hold us back from moving forward. Forgiveness and liberation can provide the deep healing required and an immense release and purging is possible to make way for any unexpected and significant shifts to occur. Recognising and releasing old patterns and behaviours can support you to manifest and create new intensions for an empowering new beginning bringing hidden rewards and a rebirth of the soul.
Intuitive Messages for the Month
An inspirational quote from enlightened Master Osho
“Life repeats itself mindlessly – unless you become mindful, it will go on repeating like a wheel.” Osho
Key to Spiritual Health and Wellness
Joints in particular the knees, arthritic conditions, bones, teeth and gums. Dental check-up and be very mindful of the skin making sure to cover with a high grade sunscreen when in the sunlight.
Worry and anxiety can lead to digestive issues. Hemp products.
Responsibility, leadership and patience. Connecting with higher beings, Wise old masters and sages. Business administrative support and prudent investment and financial planning.
Reading, visiting Art galleries and or museums, playing an instrument, gardening and cooking.
Wisdom from the cards
The Devil Card
Materialism, greed, and ambition. Temptations of the flesh, bondage, abuse of power and control. Jealousy and possessiveness. The physical world, indulgence, sex, lust, addictions and dependency.
Depression. Pessimism and a feeling of entrapment.
The World
Freedom, leadership. Conjunction. Family. Lessons. Completion of a journey or cycle. Self-awareness and major change.
Crystals for Healing
To assist with connecting to the Earth. Stabilize emotions. Helps with the flow of energy and to heal the bones. Aids the nervous system, releasing worry and upsets.
Black Diamond
A healing stone assisting with strength, will-power and self-confidence.
Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I look forward to guiding you in the upcoming year.
Lots of love
Jodie xx