Monthly Astro News September-October 2020


The year 2020 remained astrologically destined to be a revolutionary year and that certainly seems to be the case as the months roll on.

Justice and fairness will be our motivation this month necessitating diplomatic and cooperative solutions as the sign represented by the scales in charge of governing peaceful resolutions takes centre stage. Mediating and negotiating our relationship needs must be weighed carefully and a balance must be sought concerning both parties.

The spring Equinox brings the onset of the Libra season Sep 22 from then our attention will move from health and wellness to that of our relationships and harmony within our environment. Using the energies of the Equinox we can connect with our inner voice and intuitively communicate with the Spirit world asking for guidance and protection at this sensitive time. The Law and justice system will be in the spotlight as we seek fairness and equality for all. The energy of Libra will insure we surround ourselves with beauty, love and the pleasure of money will be enjoyed and spent. Known for her natural charm and flair Libra ruled by Venus can provide the artistic splendour to any room and arrange an atmosphere of attractiveness and pleasantry to any surroundings.

Also in the news after some repression and restructuring serious Saturn stations direct September 29 providing some much needed release from our tension but responsible Saturn reminds us to stay the course and continue to work towards our goals and long term commitments.

Mars will be squaring Saturn in Capricorn September 29 challenging us to be more persistent and complete the things we have started. Saturn the strict teacher will be the firm hand guiding us to stay on track despite the obstacles and to continue to remain focused and dedicated as we are learning that time and patience are the keys.

Pluto has been retrograde in Capricorn since April 26 and whilst in Capricorn (representing authority, management and leadership) we have been given a greater understanding of the issue of our personal power and powerlessness, how the delivery of power can be manipulated and misused to instil our greatest fears through obsessions, submission, and matters of control. The chaos of Pluto can destroy our very foundations breaking the surface to emerge anything hidden to the surface. Pluto’s transformative energy abolishes the old and out worn to reconstruct and reinvent our dying system. Change is inevitable but it’s how we deal with death and the upheaval process that is important, that is Pluto’s deeper meaning and the message for our own resurrection. Pluto moves direct October 4 unearthing that which needs global awareness and individual inner growth.

Mercury arrives in Scorpio Sep 27 and then commences retrograde motion in Scorpio October 14 that may produce some intense and emotional communications especially around the New Moon in Libra. Mercury will be Retrograde until November 4 producing delays so researching, studying and getting to the bottom of any issues will be required. Once Mercury backpedals into Libra our thoughts return to improving our relationships and finding the right balance of fairness and diplomacy, speaking our truth will be vital.

This is the time to examine our relationships as our feminine and love connections become more realistic and service oriented providing the practical solutions, as Venus enters the discerning and analytical nature of Virgo. The earth element of Virgo is not showy with her affection but preferring to do things for her loved ones that provide stability, safety and practical nurturance.

Sun in Libra Sep 22   (Spring Equinox)

Mercury in Scorpio Sep 27

Saturn Direct in Capricorn Sep 29

Saturn square Mars Sep 29

Full Moon in Aries Oct 2

Venus in Virgo Oct 3

Pluto Direct in Capricorn Oct 4

Mars squares Pluto Oct 9

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio Oct 14

New Moon in Libra Oct 17

Happy Birthday Libra

A New Moon in Libra Oct 17 may prompt you to reinvent your self-image through a new wardrobe, style and or a rebirth of your confidence and direction.

Saturn, Pluto and Jupiter are currently leading your 4th house but from December, Saturn and Jupiter leave your home to enter your pleasure house. Both Jupiter and Saturn moving into your 5th house will provide an outburst of growth and rewards as you are about to get more dedicated and confident about your creativity and artistic self-expression. Saturn will provide the discipline and determination to see you through which may mean enrolling in a new course that furthers your goals and personal development and with expansive Jupiter in the mix your optimism returns ensuring you take the risk and try new things that bring joy and long term success. As this is also the house of romance and children expect things to get more serious and committed, wanting a baby? Then this could be the year.

Pluto continues to influence your home and family which may prompt major changes to how and where you live, transforming and improving your living situation into something more suitable for yourself and the family circumstances. Mars in your 7th house is remaining around longer than normal urging you to take a leadership role in relationships and grants you the courage to ask for what you really want confidently addressing any issues and or obstacles instead of the typical sitting on the fence attitude.

Mars will be in retrograde motion from September 10 –November 14 driving you to reassess your needs and ensures your desires are being met.

The Full Moon in Libra March 29 will offer you….for a more personalised reading please contact me for your yearly 2021 report.

Full Moon in Aries Oct 2

Our individuality and freedom will be the focus during this Full Moon and alone time will provide the outlet for any extreme tensions. High energy sports that release adrenaline and or an activity where you can release your stressed muscles and pent up emotions will be highly beneficial. This Full Moon is in opposition to the Sun in Libra so our need for autonomy must be balanced with the needs of others, or is the issue in question, one of fairness? Equality?  Are our individual needs being met?  We must view the issue objectively and honestly and if our free-will is in jeopardy then how can we express this fairly and amicably. Be mindful this touchy Full Moon may bring feelings of vulnerability and over sensitivities driving us to over-exhaustion, anger, rushing around and even violent outbursts. Nurturing ourselves and slowing down is highly encouraged and expressing our authenticity through individual creative projects and or any physical activities will release our potential in healthy and liberating ways. Watch for headaches, head injuries and fevers. Surgery is not recommended at this sensitive time.

New Moon in Oct 17

Honesty and fairness will be especially important during this New Moon in Libra as Mercury has just stationed retrograde in Scorpio, co-operation is the key as relationships are in the spotlight.  Harmonious and fair-minded communication is required in all our interpersonal dealings as this Moon could trigger intense emotional dramas, disputes, buried secrets may be revealed and feelings of discontent and insecurity. Striving for diplomacy and peaceful resolutions will support us during this New Moon. Beautiful beginnings are also possible providing the ideal expressive outlet to make imaginative changes to your home and personal appearance whether adding some fresh colourful fabrics, vibrant additional décor or even transforming your personal look by throwing out your outworn wardrobe and improving your self-image.

Intuitive Messages for the month

Key to Spiritual Health and Wellness


The Bladder. Liver. Hormone imbalance. Lower back and skin diseases.


Calming bedtime routine, flushing the kidneys. Yoga and gentle walking. Deep breathing and relaxation techniques. Fresh mint and lemon water. Working with the heart Chakra during meditation.

Wisdom from the Cards


Fairness, equality, balance, truth and the Law. Rules, reasoning and impartial decision making. Karma.

Crystals for Healing

Rose Quartz

Self-love, friendship and unconditional love. Can be used in connection to the heart Chakra. Promotes love and deep inner healing. Peace and romance.

Let’s remember to be mindful this month to communicate our needs with gentleness and enjoy the beautiful energy that Libra radiates.

For a more personalised reading please contact me for further details.

I look forward to guiding you

Lots of love

Jodie xx

