Restore Your Energy Naturally
As our daily lives are becoming busier and busier and many people are regularly finding themselves feeling tired, drained and burnt out, it is essential we learn how to restore our energy naturally. In our day to day world we tend to focus our attention on our physical and or emotional health but most of us forget our most vital and essential health comes from our Soul’s energetic being. We need to start to focus on our spiritual health as well which in connection with our physical body will provide the ideal balance for optimum health and vitality. We are light beings made up of pure light, radiating love and intelligence, having unlimited energy within us this energy has incredible gifts. Having this natural healing force within us, energy flows through us and around us oscillating and vibrating at a vibrational frequency. There are things we can do to restore our energy naturally and give us a daily boost of get up and go, remembering our spiritual health is just as important from here we can make better decisions, find our sense of purpose, replenish our spirit and recharge our Soul.
The Chakras
Our bodies have an energy field called ‘Aura’ and sometimes during stress, trauma or unavoidable situations we experience ‘negative energy’. The word Chakra comes from Sanskrit meaning ‘wheels or disks of energy’ and represent energy points in our body governing aspects of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Our thoughts control our energy flow and if our thoughts or emotions are negative our Chakras can become dirty and effect the flow of pure energy. By balancing your Chakras your energy is naturally restored leaving you with a feeling of peace, radiated, refreshed, energized and clear about your life and goals. Opening your Chakras will unlock the doorway to your higher self and true enlightenment, helping to release negative energy and replace with a positive higher vibration.
Reiki Therapy
The practice of Reiki originated in Japan and the word Reiki translates to ‘Universal life energy’, this energy existing within us is the practice involving balancing that energy through the specific placement of the hands. A Reiki healing is a must for our Souls energy to flow freely promoting harmony and balance, creating a beautiful relaxed state, relieving the body of stress and anxiety. Reiki is a powerful healing tool that clears and balances your energetic body, increasing the vibration of your body and releasing negative energies. A Reiki practitioner specifically works with your aura to unblock your Chakras, ease pain, fatigue and depression coming directly from spiritual source to bring you all over health benefits and improve your ultimate wellbeing.
Burning and smudging with sage will cleanse and illuminate bad energy from your energy field and your home, include doorways, corners, and outside entertaining areas, allow the wafting smoke to cleanse every inch of your space, finish the ritual with a cleansing of your own metaphysical self from head to toe.
Releasing natural endorphins, exercise improves oxygen and gets your blood flowing helping to lift your energy and brings you a natural high and energy boost. Any daily routine of exercise that helps improve your breathing is highly recommended, yoga, walking, swimming, running and or group work outs.
Daily Meditation or Prayer
Practicing meditation or Prayer helps raise your energetic frequency improving your brain function, increasing your aura and relieving stress. The benefits of connecting to the Divine can improve your psychological wellbeing and help you cope with daily anxiety and pressure. Research has shown that continued commitment to meditation and or Prayer brings lasting benefits to your physical and emotional health, instantly lifting your mood naturally and ensuring a positive vibration.
Letting go of your our daily stress and or anxiety can be done with a routine of mindfulness, meditation, listening to calming music, a soothing bath, massage and simply laughter. Finding time to ‘let go’ and release tensions can be done easily if you make time to play, express your passions and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. We tend to put ourselves last as our days are filled up with the daily errands but finding time for self-care is the key is for a healthy mind and soul.
Nature our Natural Healer
The wonder of nature can restore your energy instantly, whether through walking in the bush, swimming in the ocean, soaking up the sun all energizes and elevates your mood, as more and more people are living in the city we tend to forget nature is our healer and is essential for our Soul wellness. Fresh flowers and potted plants can provide you upliftment and joy so by bringing nature into your home you are allowing Mother Nature to restore your energy and breathe new life into your household.
Drink Water
Drinking plenty of water throughout the day especially in summer and during exercise is vitally important as dehydration is a major contributor to tiredness lack of energy and can even affect our brain function, mood and energy levels. A slice of lemon in your glass of water will also be of added benefit.
Healthy Diet
A diet of junk food can bring your energy down and make you feel sluggish, unwell and bring many negative long term side effects so a healthy diet that includes fresh fruit and vegetables and higher frequency foods is an excellent way to maintain your energy levels. By adding these items to your weekly shopping list you will start to feel not only more energy on the inside but you will start to notice the benefits on the outside, your skin will glow, hair will shine, and you will also be guaranteed to look younger as you continue to restore your Soul health. These wonderful foods will boost your energy and increase your vitality.
Walnuts, sunflower seeds, green tea, vitamin B5, broccoli, spinach, kale, beetroot, salmon, mint, avocado, sweet potatoes, beans, cherries, watermelon, brown rice, chia seeds, almonds, lentils, bananas, ginger and raspberries are just to name a few.
Take a Relaxing Bubble Bath
Did you know our senses can assist in creating new mental pathways to our brain and by soaking in a bath of Epsom salt you can help eliminate toxins from your body, improve your astral energy field and revitalize your Chakras. The sea is another natural way to detoxify your energy field and lift your energy. Another beneficial way to clear negative energy is to use essential oils, either through essential burners or a room spray providing an energy of freshness. There are many different types, each one providing its own benefits. Lemon is believed to be a psychic cleanser, Lavender is relaxing and helps with sleep and grapefruit has major health benefits.
Spend Time with Animals
Animals have a direct connection to Spirit and can demonstrate spiritual qualities, they have Souls just as we do and are instinctually psychic. Not only do we learn unconditional love from our beloved pets, but we can improve our emotional state, assist with depression, instantly lift our mood and transfer a Divine spiritual connection. This honoured relationship with animals is a gift from the Spirit world to bring us instant joy, support and love.
Sing From the Heart
Expressing with our voice is a wonderful way to lift our mood naturally and can help with anxiety and depression. Singing strengthens our immune system improves our oxygen, posture and mental clarity. The positive effect singing has on our Soul is quite magical and uplifting proven to lift our emotional, psychological and soulful wellbeing.
Uplifting People
Spending time with uplifting and positive people will raise your energy frequency and bring instant happiness, optimism and inspiration. These inspiring Souls can bring a feeling of self-confidence, trust and betterment encouraging us to grow, feel safe and be the best version of ourselves. Maintaining friendships with positive people helps break negative self-doubt and emotional thought patterns, releasing sadness and turning feelings of resentment, hurt, fear and jealousy into joy, laughter, trust compassion and love.
Play Soulful Music
The art of musical sound provides our Soul a natural high nurturing and revitalizing our spiritual connection. Not only does music provide clinical healing but far extends to also strengthen our relationship with the Divine. Transcending emotional experiences of upliftment, immense joy, restful relaxation and pulsating passion, this effective tool transmits an incredible force of benefit to heal and replenish our Soul. Elevating our mood instantly increasing our happiness, and helping with depression and tiredness. Music improves clarity, memory, and speech. High energetic music will help us to perform better, increase push and drive and can even ease physical and emotional pain. Music improves our immune system, heart, oxygen and blood flow. Music is highly effective in assisting with refining and mastering our emotions, highly valued in spiritual cultures to impart therapeutic and intercultural dialogue the quality of sound is an undeniably Soul enhancing and enlivening experience.
Dynamic health includes a combination of nutrition, exercise and spiritual connection, and so by restoring your energy naturally and balancing your mind body and spirit you can provide the ultimate liveliness and wellness for your Soul.
If you would more information about my Holistic Wellness Counselling Sessions please click the link below.
Loving vibes Jodie x